Tennessee AHGP Information
 Granger County

Granger, County, Tennessee Situated toward the E. part of the state, and contains 320 sq. miles. Clinch r. runs on its n. w. border, and Holston r. runs through and along the s. E. part. The surface is hilly and rough, but along the rivers is fine land. A ridge of hills extends through the county, between the rivers. Capital, Rutledge. There were in 1840, neat cattle 8,233, sheep 9,119, swine 30,263 : wheat 50,409 bush, produced, rye 1,166, Ind corn 391,015, oats 121,922, potatoes 10,920, tobacco 21,495 pounds, cotton 12,701, sugar 13,424; 18 stores, cap. $91,000; 1 forge, 3 woolen fac, 1 cotton fac 128 sp., 10 tanneries, 42 distilleries, 7 flouring m., 25 grist m., 20 saw m. 2 oil m., 1 paper fac. Cap. in manufactures, $67,335. 1 acad. 20 students, 24 sch. 520 scholars. Pop. whites 9,521, slaves 917, free col'd 134 total, 13,689.

Rutledge, p-v., Capital of Granger County, Tennessee, 216 e. Nashville, 466 W. It contains a court house, jail, and about 75 inhabitants.

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© Created May 10, 2014 by Judy White